Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

Emmaus Retreat These retreats for men and women have been central to the formation of many St. Anthony parishioners.  For much more information on Emmaus go here:

Generations of Faith Held in the fall of each year, generations of faith understands that faith development includes input for all age groups.  The evening begins with a meal and everyone is put in age appropriate groups to discuss a the same topic in different ways.  

Parish Mission Each spring the St. Anthony hosts a two day parish mission intended to renew and refresh during the season of Lent. 

Small Christian Communities are an integral part of the vibrancy of St. Anthony's Parish. We have many groups that meet monthly at various times. For more information about how you can connect with a faith sharing group please contact Marabeth Freund, Director of Faith Formation, 563-582-0377 ext. 232.

Bible Study/Faith Sharing group meets every Wednesday from 1:00-2:00pm in the Knepper Conference Room. Each week we will discuss and share our thoughts and insights based on the Gospel reading for the upcoming weekend.

The St. Anthony's Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Village Inn at 5:00p.m.  Take a look in the bulletin, call or email faith formation staff to be placed on the email list.



If you would like more information about any of the opportunities listed above please contact Marabeth at 563-582-0377 ext. 232 or email