About Us
Welcome to St. Anthony's
St. Anthony is an active parish with many persons sharing their special gifts and talents in a variety of ways, all serving the Lord, Jesus Christ.Each person brings his/her own unique experiences, faith, enthusiasm and ideas to help meet the needs of God’s people in this parish and in the wider church.
We invite and encourage you to become involved in parish life and activities. We are here to serve one another. Please call the rectory if there is anything you do not understand. We hope that you find St. Anthony a place of spiritual growth, nourishment, and excitement as we worship together, work together and celebrate together God’s life in us!
Mission Statement
We, as disciples of Jesus Christ, gather together as an inclusive Eucharistic community to praise and worship God. We commit ourselves to be good stewards in sharing our time, talent and treasure in service to God and others. We commit ourselves to lifelong faith formation so that we can live and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.
PARISH OFFICE 563-588-0571
Rev. Steven Rosonke, Pastor ext. 212, dbq060@dbqarch.org
Sister Margaret Anne Kramer, Pastoral Associate ext. 213, dbq060s1@dbqarch.org
Deacon Bill Mauss, Deacon 563-557-8517, dcnmauss@hotmail.com
Deacon Bill Hickson, Deacon, dbqcccjpm@dbqarch.org
Bob Kalb, Business Manager ext. 216, dbq060bm@dbqarch.org
Gail Fincel, Bookkeeper ext. 211, dbq060bk@dbqarch.org
Laura Leibfried, Secretary ext. 210, dbq060sec@dbqarch.org
Dave McDermott, Director of Liturgy and Music
Becca Brosius, Faith Formation Office Manager ext. 231, dbq060resec@dbqarch.org
Marabeth Freund, Faith Formation Director/Adult Faith Formation - ext. 232, dbq060ff@dbqarch.org
Maci Helle, Youth Faith Formation Coordinator ext. 234, dbq060ym@dbqarch.org