
Just as bodies and minds grow, Catholics believe that the soul also needs to grow in the life of grace. The sacrament of Confirmation builds on the sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Holy Communion, completing the process of initiation into the Catholic community.

Confirmation Preparation

The celebration of Confirmation is traditionally celebrated in the Spring of tenth grade.  Students participate in the preparation provided faith formation staff. Questions regarding the preparation of this sacrament can be directed to Marabeth Freund, Director of Faith Formation, at 563-582-0377 or email to
Please see the Sacramental Preparation Forms page to see if registration is open.


1)    Mass Attendance (Weekend and Holy Days of Obligation)

2)    Confirmation Sponsors: Sponsors for Confirmation are a confirmed, practicing Catholic who will work closely with the candidate as a mentor who will support the candidate during the journey of preparation for the Sacrament. The sponsor presents the Candidate to the Bishop during the Confirmation Mass.

3)    Confirmation Sessions: Candidates will attend about one session per month throughout the year.  The sessions will enrich the candidates faith to gain knowledge, strengthen hearts and bring revelation. 

3)    Confirmation Retreat: As candidates, you are asked to spend a day in community, prayer and conversation with the goal to deepen faith. This retreat is designed to teach candidates about the initiation of Confirmation and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

4)    Service: Confirmation empowers candidates to live the faith in a very public way – by answering the call to serve. Candidates are asked to serve in the following areas: benefiting the parish and benefiting the community. 


Adult Confirmation 

For adults joining and returning to the faith, instruction concerning this Sacrament can be arranged through the adult initiation process (RCIA). Please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Marabeth Freund at 563-582-0377 or for details.