Faith Formation Commission Minutes
Faith Formation Commission Meeting Minutes
Present: Commission Members: Jackie Stoeffel, Marie Schuster, Nikki Carr, Mike Hellmann, Maria Steinlage, Sharon Killian, Terry McDermott and Bill Gregory. Parish Staff: Pastor Fr. Steve Rosonke, Faith Formation Director Dave McDermott, Youth Formation Coordinator Marcy McElroy and Religious Education Coordinator Stephanie Klapatauskas.
Called to order at 6:17 p.m. by Jackie Stoeffel
Prayer: The Gospel reading was read by Marie. Faith sharing followed.
Meeting minutes from the Sept. 11th meeting were approved.
In-Service: Chapter 6, “Challenges to Excellent Sundays” from the book Great Catholic Parishes was reviewed. Topics discussed were: low Mass attendance; why become a member?; challenges of diverse music liturgies; and communication technology potentials.
Items for Discussion/Decision:
The Choice Wine Update: 44 couples are participating and the program is entering the fourth week. Good feedback so far.
Parish Leadership In-service: The Pastoral Council sponsored In-service given by Matt Selby on Sept. 24 was well received. It will be the FFC’s turn to sponsor this in-service next year.
2018-2019 Goal Action Steps: Recap on the goals are:
- Promoting the general theme of HOSPITALITY in all we do at St. Anthony’s
- Promoting a BETTER CONNECTION between the church and the Holy Family Schools affiliated with St. Anthony’s
- Encouraging MORE INVOLVEMENT in the small faith-sharing groups
Break into small groups based on goals: (Brainstorming Action Steps)
HOSPITALITY : Group members Mike, Terry, Nikki and Marcy
- Invite young OLG, R.E. and St. Anthony’s families to greet at weekend masses
- Have downstairs greeters aid parishioners from parking lot to church
- Send notes to college kids at finals time
- Use social media to invite to Community Sunday
BETTER CONNECTION: Group members Maria, Jackie, Bill and Stephanie
- Strengthen 3rd-5th graders presence at church (increase ownership)
- OLG presence-painting? statue? celebrate feast of OLG?
- Research other parishes’ newsletters for their info/ideas
- “Ambassador” families for outreach/personal invites for each school network
- Tutoring opportunities for walking with families
- Focus on welcoming (not stealing) families from other parishes
- Attend/be present at assemblies at schools
- Parish events-participation % for awards (NUT)
- Make parishioners aware of adoration at Mazz/Wahlert and prayer-grams
- Plan events for school age families (i.e. open gym after 10:30 Mass)
- Build-up events related to parents of OLG/St. Anthony’s etc…
MORE INVOLVEMENT: Group members Sharon, Marie, Jenny and Dave
- Create small groups branching from Emmaus/ Choice Wine/ etc.. programs
- Make FFC office available for small group meetings
- Research other evangelical’s small group programs
- Develop projects, purpose, goals for small groups
Standing Representative/Committee Reports:
- Holy Family Catholic Schools: Steve gave an overview.
- Pastoral Council: Steve gave an overview.
Administrative Reports:
- Coordinator of Religious Education: Report submitted.
- Youth Formation Coordinator: Report submitted.
- Director of Faith Formation: Report submitted.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13th
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Schuster