St. Anthony Scrip Program
Scrip is a great way to raise funds for your parish, Holy Family Education or Religious Education.
How does it work?
When you purchase a Scrip gift card or certificate, you purchase it for the full face value, and you get the full face value of the card/certificate. However, the vendor (Hy-Vee, Fareway, Younkers, etc.) gives the Scrip Program a discount on the price the program pays for the card. That discount is then returned to you (75% returned to you, 25% administrative fee) in the form of either tuition assistance to either Holy Family or Religious Education, or a donation to St. Anthony Parish. Credits are paid out quarterly and notification of the amount of your credit is included with the first order you place after the credits are paid out.
There are several options for ordering Scrip. We prefer that orders be placed online. By placing orders online you minimize the possibility of errors in your order AND you have many more vendors available online than those that appear on our order form. If you do not have a computer or access to a computer, we will process paper orders which can be picked up at the Parish Office.
How do I pay for Scrip?
You can pay by check or by Great Lakes Scrip's secure payment option PrestoPay. PrestoPay is much like PayPal or other online payment systems where your payment is taken directly from your checking account. If you pay by check you can include the check with your order (we ask that you print out your online order and submit it) and send the order to school with your student, drop it off at the Parish Offices (slot in the door) or in the Sunday collection plate. If you pay by PrestoPay, we still ask that you print out your order and submit it in the envelope provided to save costs of administering the program.
When do I order Scrip?
The Scrip schedule is available by clicking on the Scrip Schedule menu. You can also access a printable Scrip Schedule by CLICKING HERE. Scrip orders are placed on Mondays by 9:00 a.m. Orders are filled Thursday mornings and are usually available by noon on Thursday.
Click Here for details on setting up an account and the ordering process - both online and by paper order.
Click here to access

If you have questions regarding Scrip, please contact Mary Jo Ayers at 563.542-3510 or
Help Support St. Anthony Parish
You’re probably thinking I don’t want to carry around a bunch of gift cards in my wallet. Yes, sometimes we do have to use a physical card, for example Hy-Vee – but there are so many gift cards that can be purchased and stored on your Raise Right App. You can enter the codes when you checkout or the store will simply scan your barcode directly from the phone app!
You can even buy Scrip while you’re waiting in the checkout lane or at a restaurant – it’s that quick and easy!
*****GET STARTED*****
- If you are new to using Scrip, type in and click SIGN UP (top of document) to create an account.
- If you already have an account, skip to Step 5.
- Enter St. Anthony’s Enrollment Code: 536959966465
- Enter your information and you’re all set!
- Now, download the RaiseRight App on your phone, (it will be your new favorite phone app).
- Start purchasing Scrip for use on the go and support St. Anthony church with the rebate monies!
There are hundreds of your favorite brands where you can earn anywhere from 1.7% to multiple brands that are 10% and over! These amounts can really add up and there is no limit on what you can earn.
Example: Walmart, Target, TJMaxx, Kohls, Bath & Body, Best Buy, multiple chain restaurants and so much more!
Questions: Call Mary Jo Ayers – 563-542-3510 Elaine Lombardi-563-542-4775
Carol Kalb – 563-451-9805 Jane Rollins – 563-542-6463