Children's Liturgy of the Word Resources

Children's Liturgy of the Word Resources

We are so glad you are interested in Children’s Liturgy of the Word and would love to share our sources for the resources we use!

Our main resource is through Treehaus Communications, Inc. This is the link to their website: If you click on "Publications" and from there click on "Liturgy With Children", we use the Sunday Leader Guide as our main resource. The other pages you'll notice on our website are from The Complete Children's Liturgy by Katie Thompson and The Liturgy of the Word with Children also by Katie Thompson. Both are produced by Twenty-Third Publications. You can visit their website here: These two are also available on Amazon. These last two books are purely supplemental, to give our leaders a few more ideas for engaging the children in conversation, etc.

We also use the "Sunday Scripture Response Posters" found in the "Sunday Children's Leaflets/Posters" tab on the Treehaus website. The last item that we use is the Children's Liturgy of the Word Music CD which is located in the "Sunday Music" folder under "Responses & Gospel Acclamations".

Lastly, the Treehaus website also has some helpful training resources which we used when we first started - found in the "Leader Training" folder:  the book A Child Shall Lead Them, and we also used the DVD How to Celebrate the Word With Children... and Why.

Click here to see samples of the material we use:            SAMPLE 1       SAMPLE 2

We hope this information has been helpful and that you’re able to utilize some of it for your own parish. Blessings on you and your parish as you serve Christ’s littlest followers!