Scripture Reflection For The 4th Sunday In Ordinary Time

St. Oscar Romero was an amazing man and a Moses figure for sure.  He saw God in the burning bush and brought the flame of Gospel faith to the poorest of the poor, challenging the evils of the society in which he lived.  He was tireless and persistent.  He must have gotten very close to the problem because it cost him his life.  He suspected it would.  St. Romero said, "When we leave Mass, we ought to go out the way Moses descended Mt Siniai: with his face shining, with his heart brave and strong to face the world's difficulties." We can learn from this wisdom.  If we allow the power of the Mass to truly transform us, we will leave that holy encounter changed.  Our face will shine, and we will have courage.  We can then bring what we have received to life's challenges.  That sounds doable, doesn't it?  Because of the example of our simple holiness, people will be amazed.

(c) LPi


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