Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 26, 2019

The Hebrews saw God as intimately involved with the fate of their people. But for all His care, God was still distant to most. He spoke through prophets and was represented in blazes of fire and pillars of cloud. Priests offered animal sacrifice to atone for the nation's sins. While we still know that God is transcendent - any morning's resplendent sunrise confirms this - Jesus introduces us to himself in a new way. Not only does Jesus walk among us, but the Holy Spirit dwells within us. "The Advocate, the Holy Spirit...will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you!"

How do you tend to view God? For many of us, the transcendent sense of a distant God might fill our perception. Today's Gospel reminds us of something altogether different, something more intimate. Our God remains with us. He overcomes the confusion of the world and speaks peace to our troubled hearts. Our God is not far from us. The more we remain connected to Him and love as He loved, the more we will experience His nearness. We can have confidence in His presence and rest in His encouragement: "Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."  ~LPi



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